Product Name: Adalet XHVX-181808 Flameproof High Voltage Enclosure
Brand: Adalet
Product Code: XHVX-181808
Tags: Adalet
Adalet XHVX-181808 High Enclosure
Adalet Flameproof Voltage Enclosure
Adalet High
High Enclosure
Adalet XHVX-181808 Voltage
XHVX-181808 Enclosure
Flameproof High Voltage Enclosure
Adalet Flameproof Enclosure
Adalet XHVX-181808 Flameproof Enclosure
XHVX-181808 Flameproof High Enclosure
Adalet XHVX-181808 Flameproof Enclosure
Adalet XHVX-181808 Flameproof High Voltage
XHVX-181808 Flameproof Enclosure
XHVX-181808 High Voltage Enclosure
XHVX-181808 Voltage
Adalet High Voltage Enclosure
Voltage Enclosure
Adalet Flameproof High Voltage
Flameproof High Voltage Enclosure
Are you interested in the product Adalet XHVX-181808 Flameproof High Voltage Enclosure from manufacturer Adalet with code XHVX-181808? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Standard Features• 16 (1x1) and 10 (2x2) sizes available• Corrosion resistant, copper free aluminum• Hinged cover• Type 4 watertight Nitrile gasket• Custom steel mounting panel• Set of three procelain standoffs and hardware (1x1 connection only)• Set of three porcelain bus supports insulators and hardware (2x2 connection only)• High voltage cover sign• High strength steel cover bolts (zinc plated and coated)• Internal and external ground lugs• Removable lifting eye bolts (18 x 24 and larger)• Lid-lifter cover alignment device (18x24 and larger)• Cast-on mounting lugs / feet• Tumblast, natural aluminum finish Design Options• Stainless steel cover bolts for Type 4X additional corrosion protection• Conduit (NPT & metric) and device (NPSM) drilling & tapping• Auxiliary devices such as breather / drains• Custom machining - milling, counter-boring, spot-facing, drilled entries, chamfers• Custom cast-on logos• Power and epoxy coating for additional corrosion resistance• Special mounting provisions Material• Enclosure - copper free aluminum• Cover bolts - steel, zinc plated and coated• Hinge kits - copper free aluminum with stainless steel 316L hardware• Mounting panel - galvanized steel