Product Name: Alfamatic AP 15200 Power Group
Brand: Alfamatic
Product Code: AP 15200
Tags: Alfamatic
15200 Group
Alfamatic 15200 Power Group
Alfamatic AP Group
Alfamatic AP 15200 Power
Alfamatic 15200 Group
Alfamatic AP Power Group
Alfamatic Power Group
AP 15200
Alfamatic AP 15200
15200 Group
Alfamatic AP 15200 Power
AP Group
Alfamatic 15200
Alfamatic AP 15200 Group
15200 Power
AP Power
15200 Power
AP Power Group
Power Group
Are you interested in the product Alfamatic AP 15200 Power Group from manufacturer Alfamatic with code AP 15200? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Power group AP Series with linear structureStandard version, with approching and multipling stages placed in line unitat restapproachstrokeworkstroke SerieAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPModel08400950106311801210013125141601520016200Force work stroke (at 6 bar kg)5307301450295052508170134002095041900Force appr. stroke(at 6 bar kg)62114162276428693110617841784 Total strokemm3060115165215Work strokemm55555mm1010101010mm1515151515