Alfamatic MOP 07 Press
Product Code: MOP 07
Brand: Alfamatic
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Alfamatic MOP 07 Press
With a finger pressure a greatforce is activatedThe MOP presses are built around a manual/mechanical group for theapproaching stroke and a hydro-pneumatic booster for the power stroke.They combine the easy use of a manualpress with the force of a hydraulic press.Supplied with 6 bar pneumatic pressure,they do not require hydraulic drive unitsor electrical connections MODEL 0715305080 Working stroke force (in daN)6 bar70014503000 50008000 3 bar 350700150025004000 Total strokemm6060-10060-10060-10060-100 Working strokemm10 - 15 - 20 - 25* Return stroke forcekg1,41,8 2,2 2,42,4*Only for version with 100mm total strokeRecommended Products For Alfamatic