Product Name: Amg Pesch SADT-45-60 Double-Piston Quarter Turn Actuator
Brand: Amg Pesch
Product Code: SADT-45-60
Tags: Amg Pesch
Amg SADT-45-60 Double-Piston Turn Actuator
Amg SADT-45-60 Quarter Turn
SADT-45-60 Double-Piston Turn Actuator
Amg Double-Piston Turn
Amg Pesch SADT-45-60 Double-Piston Quarter
SADT-45-60 Turn
Pesch Quarter
Amg Double-Piston Quarter Turn Actuator
Amg Pesch Double-Piston Quarter Actuator
Double-Piston Turn Actuator
Amg SADT-45-60 Turn Actuator
Pesch SADT-45-60 Quarter Turn Actuator
Amg SADT-45-60 Double-Piston
Amg Quarter Actuator
Pesch SADT-45-60
SADT-45-60 Turn Actuator
SADT-45-60 Turn Actuator
Double-Piston Quarter Turn Actuator
Are you interested in the product Amg Pesch SADT-45-60 Double-Piston Quarter Turn Actuator from manufacturer Amg Pesch with code SADT-45-60? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Technical Data:Pressure range: up to 6 barControl medium: air (dry or oil or any non-aggressivegaseous mediaTemperature Range: Nitrile O-Rings / -25 ° C to +80 ° C (standard)Viton O-rings up to +100 ° C, silicone O-rings / -35 ° C to +80 ° CLubrication: Continuous lubricationPainting: stick with basic single-Hammerschlaglack (Standard)Maintenance and inspection:Basically needs of the AMG double-piston quater-turn actuator no maintenance. This requires the professional development of the drives, properly treated control medium as well as normal environmental conditions.