Product Name: Bopp Reuther OD5 Oval Wheel Meter
Brand: Bopp Reuther
Product Code: OD5
Tags: Bopp Reuther
Oval Wheel
Bopp Oval Meter
Bopp OD5 Oval
Reuther Oval Meter
Bopp OD5 Oval Wheel
Reuther Oval Wheel Meter
Bopp Reuther OD5
Bopp Reuther OD5 Wheel Meter
Bopp Wheel
Bopp Reuther OD5 Oval Meter
Bopp Oval Meter
Bopp Wheel Meter
Bopp Reuther Meter
OD5 Oval Wheel Meter
Reuther OD5 Oval Wheel
Bopp OD5
Bopp OD5 Meter
Bopp Reuther Wheel
Bopp Oval
Oval Wheel Meter
Are you interested in the product Bopp Reuther OD5 Oval Wheel Meter from manufacturer Bopp Reuther with code OD5? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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The high-resolution oval wheel meter series OD is a compact dosing oval wheel meter with a direct volume output to the Compact Controller including dispensing and measuring functions. They are fitted with Tri-Clamp connections and a high-resolution Wiegand sensor for measuring Newtonian, non-abrasive liquids such as water, oil, grease, etc. Meters of the Flowal series are based on a robust concept , have a very simple design and can be adapted to a wide field of applications. The innovative design is the result of merging long years of experience with the latest technologies.