Bühler MT  Multiterminal Image

Bühler MT Multiterminal

Product Name: Bühler MT Multiterminal
Brand: Bühler
Product Code: MT
Tags: Bühler Bühler MT Bühler MT MT Multiterminal Bühler MT Multiterminal MT Multiterminal Multiterminal Multiterminal Bühler MT Multiterminal Bühler Multiterminal Bühler Multiterminal

Are you interested in the product Bühler MT Multiterminal from manufacturer Bühler with code MT? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Compact installation unit reduces logistics costs and assembly workReturn filter for DIN elements up to NG 100Three connections for return lineFilling port with quick couplingFilling control optionalVisual/electrical return filter monitoringSampling ports in tank and return lineAir breather with integrated liquid level and temperature monitoringThe Multiterminal fulfils all requirements stated in the introduction in only one device and therefore, reduces the space requirements, installation costs and procurement efforts. At the same time, the concentration of the functions significantly facilitates routine maintenance.