Product Name: Cejn 10 767 5200 Nipple
Brand: Cejn
Product Code: 10 767 5200 Nipple
Tags: Cejn
Cejn Nipple
767 5200
10 767 5200
Cejn 10 767 5200
Cejn 10
767 Nipple
Cejn 767 5200
Cejn 767 Nipple
5200 Nipple
10 Nipple
Cejn 10 5200
Cejn 5200
10 767 5200 Nipple
Cejn 10 767
10 5200 Nipple
Cejn 767 5200 Nipple
Are you interested in the product Cejn 10 767 5200 Nipple from manufacturer Cejn with code 10 767 5200 Nipple? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Teknik verilerNominal ak?? çap?:19.0 mm (3/4")Su ak??? (çift kapamal?):306 l/dak. (67.3 GPM UK)Maksimum çal??ma bas?nc?:20 Bar (290 PSI)Minimum patlama bas?nc?:80 Bar (1160 PSI)S?cakl?k aral???:-15°C — +100°C (5°F — +212°F)Kavrama malzemesi:Nikel kaplamal? sar? pirinçNipel malzemesi:Nikel kaplamal? sar? pirinçKv (tek tarafl? kapat?labilir):13.30CV (çift kapamal?):15.37Yorum:Tek kapama sürümünde valfli kavrama ve valfsiz nipel kullan?lmal?d?rAk?? kapasitesi; 6 bar'l?k (87 PSI) giri? bas?nc? ve 0,5 bar'l?k (7 PSI) bas?nç dü?mesi esnas?nda ortaya ç?kmaktad?r.