Product Name: Cemb Z5-TC The Balancing of Rotors With Weight Up To 10 Kg
Brand: Cemb
Product Code: Z5-TC
Tags: Cemb
Cemb Z5-TC The Balancing Rotors With To Kg
Cemb Z5-TC Balancing of Rotors With Up 10
Balancing Rotors Weight To
Cemb Z5-TC The of Rotors With Weight Up To
Z5-TC of Weight Up To 10 Kg
Z5-TC Balancing of With Weight Up Kg
The Balancing of With Weight 10 Kg
Balancing of With Weight Up To 10
Z5-TC The 10 Kg
Cemb Z5-TC The Balancing With Up 10 Kg
Cemb Balancing Up 10 Kg
Z5-TC Balancing of Rotors Up 10
Z5-TC Rotors Weight To
Z5-TC The Balancing of Weight Up To
Rotors Weight Up To 10 Kg
Cemb Z5-TC The Balancing Rotors Weight Up To 10
The Rotors With Weight Up To
Cemb Z5-TC Balancing of With Weight 10 Kg
The Balancing Rotors With Weight To 10
Cemb Balancing of With Kg
The Balancing of Rotors With Weight Up To 10 Kg
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Balancing machine with belt drive for small rotors.The special design of the driving system enables the machine to be operated both with the belt placed on top of the rotor and with the belt fixed in position under the rotor.The machine base plate can be simply rested on a working bench or bolted down to a solid base element (as for example the photo).This tooling allows optimizing the measuring spin mode so saving time in the production cycle depending on the rotor type.The machine base has fit an articulated stand supporting the photocell (or a magnetic transducer) for the detection of the unbalance angular position and for the automatic synchronizing of the signal filtering.The photocell is able to detect the presence of a reference mark previously made on the rotor (chalk, felt-pen or adhesive tape).Maximum weight for symmetric rotorKg 10Maximum diameter of rotormm 260Diameter of rotor journalsmm 5 ÷ 35Maximum 0,08Balancing speed (measuring unit)Rpm 90 ÷10000