CKD RGIS140-004270S1F4-X014528 Gear Cam Index Man Drive

CKD RGIS140-004270S1F4-X014528   Gear Cam Index Man Drive Image

Are you interested in the product CKD RGIS140-004270S1F4-X014528 Gear Cam Index Man Drive from manufacturer CKD with code RGIS140-004270S1F4-X014528? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Various size variations from 40 mm to 250 mm distance between axes are available.Ideal for indexing tables, pitch feed conveyors, and pick and place drives.[Three excellent properties featured by cam drives]Synchronization characteristics: Mechanical motion control is possible.Motion characteristics: It is possible to absorb the shock during stopping, even at high speed, with the cam curve