CMO Serie W 3/4 Check-Valves

CMO Serie W 3/4  Check-Valves Image

Are you interested in the product CMO Serie W 3/4 Check-Valves from manufacturer CMO with code Serie W 3/4? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Product description Flanged 3 way and 4 way valve. One piece integral cast body with bolted cap at the top and internal plug. Face to face dimension according CMO standard. Utilization The 3V and 4V valves are appropriate for liquids with dry content. They are specially designed to be used in the Paper Industry for paper stock handling Sizes DN50 a DN300 Larger sizes to order. Working pressures From DN50 to DN125: 10 (kg/cm2) DN150 : 8 (kg/cm2) DN200: 7 (kg/cm2) From DN250 to DN300: 5 (kg/cm2) From DN350 to DN400: 4 (kg/cm2) Directives • Pressure Equipment Directive: (PED) ART 4.3 /CAT.1. • Potential Explosive Atmospheres Directive: (ATEX) CAT.3 ZONA 2 y 22 GD.