Daikin C-KSO-G03-4CC-20 AC 110V Solenoid Valve

Daikin C-KSO-G03-4CC-20 AC 110V Solenoid Valve Image

Are you interested in the product Daikin C-KSO-G03-4CC-20 AC 110V Solenoid Valve from manufacturer Daikin with code C-KSO-G03-4CC-20 AC 110V Valve? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Realize high-pressure large-flow-rate control at 35 MPa and 100 L (G02) or 160 L/min (G03). Best suited to integration into European Safety Standard (CE) compliant equipment because of dust-/water-proof properties that satisfy the IEC Pub529 IP65 ingress protection grade.