EKF CG2-SHANTY Compact PCI GPS Receiver Module
Product Code: EKF CG2-SHANTY Compact PCI GPS Receiver Module
Artikelnummer: CG2-SHANTY
Brand: EKF
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for EKF CG2-SHANTY Compact PCI GPS Receiver Module
Board FormFactor3U Eurocard (100x160mm2), front panel width 20.3mm (4HP)Serial InterfacesSP1 (internally)SP2 (externally and internally)SP3, SP4 (optional usage)Device: 16C550 compatible Quad PCI UART Oxford OXmPCI954 asynchronous serial protocol: 1 startbit; 7 or 8 databits; 1 or 2 stopbits; optional even/odd parity; bitrates up to 15MbpsSP1/SP2: typical settings for GPS operation SP1=4800Baud (GPS NMEA-0183), SP2=9600Baud (DGPS RTCM SC-104)SP2 front panel connector: PC compatible D-SUB connector 9-pin male, to be used either as DGPS input or as universal serial COM port, ESD protection 15kV, RS-232E transceiver can be disabled by removing jumper J-SP2 (option)SP3/SP4: on-board pin headers suitable for attachment of CU7-RS485 and CU8-RS232 PHY-modules (option)Serial driver software (COM port emulation) availableGPSExchangeable modular 12-channel receiver, chipset SiRFstarII, SMB jack for 1575,42MHz (L1 Band) GPS antenna, supply 0V (passive antenna), +5V, +3.3V (active antenna) selectable with jumper J-ANTAccuracy (horizontal) better than 3m (CEP), 5m (2 dRMS)Acquisition performance: hot start 8s, warm start 38s, cold start 45sDead Reckoning capabilitySRAM and RTC data non-volatile buffered by Lithium cell 190mAh (>10000h)Selected NMEA-0183 ASCII messages: latitude, longitude, elevation, velocity, heading, time, satellite tracking status, command/control messages (primary serial I/F)SiRF binary protocol: raw data (primary serial I/F)RTCM ASCII protocol (secondary serial I/F)1pps output with better than 1us timing accuracyCompactPCI® Bus32-bit 33MHz (133MB/s)+5V/+3.3V VIO (J1 connector not keyed)Power Consumption+5V ±0.25V 0.1A max.+3.3V ±0.15V 0.15A max.Environmental ConditionsOperating temperature: -40°C ... +85°CStorage temperature: -40°C ... +85°CHumidity 5% ... 95% non-condensingAltitude -300m ... +18000mShock 15g 0.33ms, 6g 6msVibration 1g 5-2000HzEC RegulationsEN55022, EN55024, EN60950-1 (UL60950-1/IEC60950-1)2002/95/EC (RoHS)MTBFtbd htechnical specifications are subject to change wihout further noticeEKF WinGPSA Windows® Tool to Display GPS Data and Synchronize System TimeOrdering InformationAliasOrdering NumberShort DescriptionSHANTYCG2-1-SHANTY3U CompactPCI hostadapter, 12-channel GPS receiverADAPTCR9-5-ADAPTMechanical kit, expands front panel from 3 U to 6U 940.80.20125.1GPS antenna, active +5V, SMB connector, ~5m cable length 940.80.90100.1External DGPS LW receiver box, including ALF license (Accurate Positioning by Low Frequency, transmitter Mainflingen/Frankfurt, receiver radius about 650km)Recommended Products For EKF