Product Name: Ele Fantini SCVA ORTHOGONAL Flanged SCVA-8 Linear Actuators
Brand: Ele Fantini
Product Code: SCVA ORTHOGONAL Flanged SCVA-8
Tags: Ele Fantini
Fantini Actuators
Flanged SCVA-8 Actuators
Ele Linear
Fantini SCVA SCVA-8 Linear Actuators
Ele SCVA ORTHOGONAL Flanged Linear
Ele ORTHOGONAL Linear Actuators
Ele Fantini Flanged SCVA-8
Ele Fantini ORTHOGONAL Flanged SCVA-8
Flanged Linear
Fantini Linear
Fantini SCVA Flanged SCVA-8 Actuators
Fantini SCVA Linear Actuators
Ele SCVA Flanged Actuators
Ele SCVA Actuators
Ele Fantini SCVA Actuators
Ele SCVA-8 Actuators
Ele Fantini SCVA Linear Actuators
Linear Actuators
Are you interested in the product Ele Fantini SCVA ORTHOGONAL Flanged SCVA-8 Linear Actuators from manufacturer Ele Fantini with code SCVA ORTHOGONAL Flanged SCVA-8? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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SCVA ORTHOGONAL - SCVA-8 - TECHNICAL DATAFORZA 100000NFORCE 100000NDiametro vite 70Screw diameter 70Passo vite 10Screw pitch 10Velocità mm/secSpeed3,64,87,51215,5Potenza installata KWMotor power KW345,51111Grandezza motoreSize of motor132-B5132-B5132-B5160-B5160-B5Giri motore /1'Motor RPM7009001400700900Giri coronaCrown wheel RPM2229457293SCVA ORTHOGONAL - SCVA-8 - DIMENSIONSTipoTypea1a2a3bde1e2fg1g2g3hm1m2noSCVA - 8160140110557018039017042x31001907018327080300(1) See SCREW TOP END(2) Add stroke lengthNon binding dimensions"Q" DIMENSIONSTIPOTYPE Grandezza - Size132160SCVA - 8Q315345MOTORS TECHNICAL DATA: "V" and "Z" dimensions.tipotype63A63B71A71B80A80B90S90L100L112M132S132M160MV175188185204210230254280322346368406472Z140140160160200200200200250250300300350