Product Name: Exheat FP FP Flameproof Rod-Type Immersion Heaters
Brand: Exheat
Product Code: FP
Tags: Exheat
Rod-Type Immersion
FP FP Flameproof Immersion
Exheat Flameproof
Exheat FP Rod-Type Heaters
FP Immersion Heaters
FP Flameproof
Exheat FP Flameproof Rod-Type Heaters
Exheat FP Immersion
Exheat Rod-Type Heaters
FP FP Immersion
Exheat FP FP Flameproof Rod-Type Immersion
Exheat Rod-Type Immersion
FP Flameproof Immersion
FP FP Immersion
Exheat Flameproof Immersion
FP Flameproof
Exheat FP Flameproof Rod-Type Immersion Heaters
FP Flameproof Rod-Type Immersion Heaters
Are you interested in the product Exheat FP FP Flameproof Rod-Type Immersion Heaters from manufacturer Exheat with code FP? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Product ApplicationsAccumulator System CabinetAcid Reactor SystemAcoustic EnclosureAggressive WaterAir Line HeatersAmine Storage TankAnodisingAnti Condensation HeaterAnti-FreezeAresol Can TesterBattery Cabinet HeaterBilge TanksBiodieselBiogas Purification SystemBoiler EquipmentBuffer Vessel (Water)Bywash SystemCabinetCalorifierCalorifier PackagesCalorifier SkidCatalyst OxidationCausticCaustic SolutionCaustic TankChemical BathChemical Cleaning TankChemical Injection CabinetChemical Injection SystemsChemical Mixing TankChemical Plant WarehousesChemical PlantsChemical TanksCleaning and Rinsing EquipmentCleaning and Rinsing TanksCleaning SolutionCleaning Solution / CausticCleaning SystemCleaning Water TankClosed Loop Systems for BitumenCold Start UpCompressor - CW HeaterCompressor - Lube OilCompressor - Water/GlycolCompressor EnclosureCompressor Frame EnclosureCooking Oil TransportationCoolantCooling TowerCrank Case HeaterCrankcaseCrankcase HeaterCrude OilCrude Oil Maintenance LineDe-greasing TankDe-Ionised WaterDe-Ionized WaterDe-Min Hot Water Tank PackageDehydration Gas PlantDeluge SkidDemi WaterDies & PlatensDiesel Generator EnclosureDiesel HeaterDiesel Oil TankDiesel Tank HeaterDrier SystemDrum HeatingDrying OvensEmergency ShowersEnclosureEthylene TankEyewash StationsFiltration SystemFinishingFire Equipment CabinetFire Equipment SkidsFire Extinguishing EquipmentFlushing Rig for Oil ReservoirFood Processing EquipmentFPSOFrost ProtectionFuel OilFuel Oil HeatingFuel Oil ReservoirFuel Oil TankFuel Oil TanksGas BottlesGas InstallationsGas RegenerationGear Box OilGear OilGear Oil TankGearbox OilGLNG Natural Gas Train Gas SupplyGlycolGRP EnclosureHazardous Area ShowersHCL solutionHeat Transfer FluidHeat Transfer Oil Tank/SystemHeat Transfer OilsHeated ShowersHeating CabinetHeating MediumHigh Pressure Wash SystemHigh Pressure WashersHot SwillsHot Water CalorifierHot Water Heating SystemHot Water SanitiserHot Water StorageHot Water Storage TanksHot Water TankHot Water Wash SystemHydraulic Oil - Tank/ReservoirHydraulic Oil DrumsHydraulic Oil PackageHydraulic Oil TankHydraulic Power PackIncrease Flow of Viscous LiquidsIndirect Heating of LiquidsIndustrial washing and rinsing processesIndustrial Washing MachineIndustrial Water HeatingInline DieselKinetic Hydrate InhibitorLaboratoriesLaboratory ChemicalLNG Oil SeparatorLube OilLube Oil Centrifuge SkidLube Oil ConsoleLube Oil Coolers for Gas TurbinesLube Oil for Flushing SystemLube Oil for Refrigeration PackageLube Oil HeaterLube Oil ReservoirLube Oil SystemLube Oil Tanks - Gas Compressor TrainsLubricant OilMachine EnclosureMachinery and Plant ConstructionMelting of Solids (Paraffin)Methane DigesterMineral OilMolasses (Syrup)Motor Cases/EnclosuresMotor EnclosureMotor/GeneratorMouldsNitric Acid SolutionOffshore CabinetOffshore Heating VesselOffshore InstallationOffshore PlatformOffshore Water TankOil / Water MixOil / Water MixtureOil & Lubricant StoreOil & WaterOil Additive Injection Tank/SystemOil Gearbox heaterOil Line HeaterOil Purifier SystemOil Recycling & Filtration SystemOil RefineriesOil ReservoirOil SeparatorOil Separator HeaterOil Storage TanksOil SumpOil Sump HeatersOil Sump HeatingOil System UnitOil TankOil TankerOil TanksOil Top-Up TankOil/Water MixOutdoor Telecommunications CabinetPaint MachineryParaffinPasteurisationPetrochemical PlantPFD LiquidPhosphate WaterPlantPortable ShowersPotable WaterPour Point DepressantPower EngineeringPre-heating Hydraulic OilPre-Heating Oil and WaterPre-heating Water for Paint SysPressure WashersProcess and Boiler EquipmentProcessing EquipmentPropane Refirgeration PackagePulp Heating SystemPump Enclosure Safety StatPumpsPurified Water / PharmaceuticalPurified Water Circulating SystemPurified Water SystemQuench TankRe-circulating Oil SystemReactor System in Zinc Silicate ProductionRefinery - Lube OilRefrigerationReservoir HeaterReverese Osmosis WaterReverse OsmosisReverse Osmosis SystemSafety ShowerSafety ShowersSalt Water TankSanitary Discharge SystemSea WaterSea Water for TreatmentSewage PlantsShower UnitSilo Base Enclosure warmingSilo-Skirt HeaterSkidSkid EnclosureSlurry HeaterSolvent Recovery PlantStart Up for Lube Oil - CompressorsSteam Turbine Lubrication TankSterilizingSterilizing SinkSubstationSugar RefinieriesSwimming poolTank HeatingTank ShowersTemperature Maintenance of Storage TanksTest RigThermic Oil for Steel RollersTransformer EnclosuresTransformer Lube Oil SystemTransmitter EnclosuresUnder floor heateing schemesUnderground Hydraulic Power UnitUrethane RemoverVacuum Pump Lube OilVat HeatingVegetable OilVentilation and RefrigerationWash Gun Water TankWash RoomsWash StationsWashdown/Sanitizing SystemWasher SystemWashing EquipmentWashing MachinesWaste Water TreatmentWaterWater BoilerWater Buffer TankWater CirculatingWater For InjectionsWater HeaterWater Heater on Vacuum SystemWater in DistilleryWater Pump HouseWater Recirculation for CIP SystemWater StorageWater Storage RoomWater SystemWater TankWater Tank - Pump PackageWater TreatmentWater Treatment System ContainerWater VapouriserWater VatWater Wash CartWater/Amine SolutionWater/Chemical Frost ProtectionWater/Cleaning Solution TankWater/GlycolWater/Glycol for Leachate TreatmentWater/Glycol Re-circulationWater/Glycol ReservoirWater/Oil Separator UnitWater/Phosphate SolutionWater/SoapWater/SteamWax InhibitorWort/BreweryWorts/Caustic SolutionFeaturesCertified to ATEX and IECEx standardsMild steel or 316 stainless steel terminal enclosure with weatherproof protection to IP66 or Enclosure Type / NEMA 4 or 4XChoice of built in process temperature sensorsSuitable for ambient temperatures from -60°C to +60°C (subject to cert parameters)Mounting of the heater can be by a threaded NPT or BSP boss or an industry standard flangeDesigned for horizontal installation (vertical mounting version available on request)Can be supplied with the terminal box mounted away from the fixing boss / flange