Product Name: Finder Pompe API 610 - BB5 Pump
Brand: Finder Pompe
Product Code: API 610 - BB5
Tags: Finder Pompe
Pompe API
Finder API 610 BB5
Finder Pompe API - BB5 Pump
Finder 610 - Pump
Pompe 610 - BB5
Finder Pompe API 610 BB5
610 - BB5 Pump
Pompe 610
Finder Pump
Finder Pompe API -
Finder Pompe API 610 -
Finder 610 Pump
API 610 Pump
Finder API BB5 Pump
Pompe API 610 - Pump
610 - BB5
Are you interested in the product Finder Pompe API 610 - BB5 Pump from manufacturer Finder Pompe with code API 610 - BB5? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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The HPMB line barrel pumps is multi-stage and suitable for heavy-duty applications such as oil and gas, refining and petrochemical, power plant boiler feedwater, water injection and reverse osmosis. The HPMB pump was designed and manufactured according to API 610, latest edition. The pump casing is radially split and the centerline is supported to eliminate the effects of the thermal expansions in case of high temperature applications. HPMB pumps feature vaned diffusers and small capacity HPMB pumps (<80 m³/h) are equipped with double volute diffusers. The opposed impeller and diffuser configuration allows it to minimize axial and radial thrusts. Full cartridge design allows quick and easy dismantling. It is available with 4 to 13 stages with the ability to be “de-staged” to increase or decrease the number of stages and meet future requirements.