Finder Pompe API 610 - VS4 Pump Image

Are you interested in the product Finder Pompe API 610 - VS4 Pump from manufacturer Finder Pompe with code API 610 - VS4? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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NDV, HPV and V-PEP are API 610 compliant, vertically suspended, single-casing volute, line shaft driven VS4 type centrifugal sump pumps. NDV, HPV and V-PEP pumps are engineered to customer specifications, application and requirements. Any pump length from 0,5 down to 10 m below the mounting plate can be achieved. Standard features include a single-piece shaft, guided by sleeve type line bearings where needed, that is lubricated by the pumped fluid or from an external lubricating source (clean liquid or grease) in abrasive services. Thrust bearings are generously sized and are available in both a grease and oil lubricated version. The mounting plate can be provided in either a square or round shape. A mounting flange having the same pressure rating of the corresponding tank interface is also available as an option.