Product Name: FIP Italy RVOM Series DN 15÷100 Sediment Strainer
Brand: FIP Italy
Product Code: RVOM Series DN 15÷100
Tags: FIP Italy
Italy 15÷100 Strainer
RVOM Series DN
Italy RVOM 15÷100
FIP Italy RVOM Series
RVOM Series Strainer
FIP Italy Series DN 15÷100 Sediment
Italy Series 15÷100
Series Sediment
Italy Sediment Strainer
FIP Italy Sediment
Italy RVOM DN Sediment
FIP Italy RVOM DN 15÷100
FIP Italy Series DN Sediment Strainer
FIP RVOM Series DN Sediment
FIP RVOM 15÷100 Sediment Strainer
Italy 15÷100 Sediment Strainer
Italy RVOM 15÷100 Sediment Strainer
Sediment Strainer
Are you interested in the product FIP Italy RVOM Series DN 15÷100 Sediment Strainer from manufacturer FIP Italy with code RVOM Series DN 15÷100? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Sediment strainer with steel core backing ring , PP/FRP coated, drilled EN/ISO/DIN PN10/16SEDIMENT STRAINER• Connection system for weld, threaded and flanged joints• Strainer assembled on an easily removed support that facilitates cleaningor replacement• Valve material compatibility (PP-H) with water conveyance, drinking waterand other food substances according to current regulations• Can be maintained with the valve body installed EPDM code FKM code RVOM075E RVOM075F RVOM090E RVOM090F RVOM110E RVOM110F