Fortress Interlocks T3A 3 Position Illuminating Selector Switch
Fortress Interlocks
Product Code: T3A
Brand: Fortress Interlocks
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Fortress Interlocks T3A 3 Position Illuminating Selector Switch
T3A ,T3D, T3E, T3F – 3 Position Selector Switch – Latching & MomentaryT3A - Latching (both sides)T3D - MomentaryT3E - Latching (both sides) IlluminatingT3F - Momentary - IlluminatingEach 3 Position Selector Switch uses 2 output pins.Clockwise operation sets the lower assigned output High.Middle position – output pins Low.Anti-clockwise sets higher assigned output High.Non-latching – spring return to original position.Illumination (when selected) uses 1 input pin.Inputs to the tGard stack are always assigned before outputs.Laser engraving available for 3 Position Selector Switch is 10 characters at each switch position. Middle position – output pins Low.NAMET3A 3 POSITION ILLUMINATING SELECTOR SWITCHPART NO.T3A - LATCHING (BOTH SIDES)T3D - MOMENTARYT3E - LATCHING (BOTH SIDES) ILLUMINATINGT3F - MOMENTARY ILLUMINATINGRANGEtGard - Interlock switches and control devices for automation safetyRecommended Products For Fortress Interlocks