Fortress Interlocks XM - XMS Modular Key Exchange Unit
Fortress Interlocks
Product Code: XM - XMS
Brand: Fortress Interlocks
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Fortress Interlocks XM - XMS Modular Key Exchange Unit
The XM(S) unit is used to exchange one or more keys for a number of other keys. This unit forms the link between isolation devices and access locks.The XMS stainless steel mechanical lock module is suitable for use in all Ex hazardous areas. This product is completely benign and does not require power or generate any heat. All materials have been fully tested and confirmedNo product handing issues.Extremely varied combination of isolation/access keys possible.Sequential on Non-sequential key operation.Simply add modules to existing configurations.Available in Stainless Steel (XMS)NAMEXM - XMS MODULAR KEY EXCHANGE UNITPART NO.XM1>10XMS1>5RANGEMechanical Trapped Key InterlocksRecommended Products For Fortress Interlocks