Product Name: Foxboro CFT51-TB1EABANNZZZ All Digital Mass Flow Transmitter
Brand: Foxboro
Product Code: CFT51-TB1EABANNZZZ
Tags: Foxboro
All Digital Mass Flow Transmitter
Are you interested in the product Foxboro CFT51-TB1EABANNZZZ All Digital Mass Flow Transmitter from manufacturer Foxboro with code CFT51-TB1EABANNZZZ? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Base Model: CFT51-TB1EABANNZZZPSS Reference: 1-2B7CCFT51FUNCTION: CFT51 Series all digital mass flow transmitter, when coupled with model CFS10, CFS20 and CFS25 mass flow tubes provides the state of the art in coriolis mass flow measurement. In addition to providing unsurpassed accuracy for traditional mass flow measurement. The patented technology behind the CFT51 also allows it's usefor 2 phase (gas-liquid) flowstreams and in batching and truck unloading applications the ability to start and finish from an empty or partially filled condition.TDIGITAL COMMUNICATION INTERFACE: HART Protocol EnabledBMASS FLOWTUBE SENSOR: CFS10 or CFS201MOUNTING: Remote Mounted TransmitterELANGUAGE: EnglishASUPPLY VOLTAGE: 100/240 Vac, 50 Or 60 Hz Ext Powered I/OBDISPLAY: Integral Display / KeyboardAOUTPUT & POWER CABLE ENTRANCE: 1/2 NPTNCABLE INSULATION MATERIAL: No CableNCABLE LENGTH: No CableZZZELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION: No Certifications
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