Product Name: Fristam PE Powder Intake
Brand: Fristam
Product Code: PE
Tags: Fristam
Fristam Powder
PE Powder Intake
PE Intake
PE Powder
Fristam PE
Fristam PE Powder Intake
Fristam PE
Fristam PE Intake
Fristam PE Powder
Powder Intake
PE Powder
PE Intake
Fristam Powder
Fristam PE Powder Intake
Fristam Powder Intake
Powder Intake
Are you interested in the product Fristam PE Powder Intake from manufacturer Fristam with code PE? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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For fast, continuous and powerful intake of soluble powders. With its compact design the Fristam PE can be easily incorporated into an existing production line or used as a stand alone, portable mixing station. The waist height powder hopper eliminates many health and safety risks. POWERFUL INTAKE The Fristam PE is designed to be a universal powder-intake station. Its design allows for the especially fast intake of large volumes of easily soluble powder in liquids.SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGES The PE’s design principle of forced passage ensures that all of the powder is quickly blended with the liquid medium.With the Fristam PE you can achieve signi?cant time and raw material savings compared to conventional methods of dissolving substances in large tanks or chambers using mixers.The ergonomic working height eliminates health and safety risks brought on by having to add the powder to tanks from above: No more climbing ladders with heavy powder bags.PRACTICAL TESTING Fristam are happy to loan you the PE to use in your system for a trial period free of charge. We’ll help you with the initial set-up and be present during the commissioning of your own unit.Our experienced regional engineers are happy to help at any time and can answer your questions concerning technical processes, throughout the lifecycle of your unit.