Product Name: Georg Fischer 163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25 Ball Valve
Brand: Georg Fischer
Product Code: 163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25
Tags: Georg Fischer
Georg 163546064 PVC-C/EPDM
Fischer 163546064 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25 Ball
Georg 163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM
Georg Fischer 546 PVC-C/EPDM
Georg 163546064 d32DN25 Valve
Georg Fischer 163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM Valve
Georg Fischer Valve
Georg 163546064 d32DN25 Ball Valve
Georg 163546064 PVC-C/EPDM Valve
Georg 163546064 546 Ball
Fischer 163546064 PVC-C/EPDM Valve
Georg PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25
546 PVC-C/EPDM Ball
Georg 546 d32DN25 Valve
163546064 546 Ball Valve
Georg 163546064 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25 Valve
163546064 d32DN25
Georg 163546064 PVC-C/EPDM Ball
163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25
Georg 546 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25 Ball
Ball Valve
Are you interested in the product Georg Fischer 163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25 Ball Valve from manufacturer Georg Fischer with code 163546064 546 PVC-C/EPDM d32DN25? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Model:Lockable lever as standard (DN10-DN50)For easy installation and removalBall seals PTFEIntegrated stainless steel mounting insertsZ-dimension, valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546 (1stGeneration)Option:Interface-module with position feedback sensor, incl. LED feedback (DN10-50)Manual spring return lever ("Dead man") (DN10-25)Pneumatic or electric actuators from GFIndividual configuration of the valve possibleMultifunctional module with integrated limit switches (DN65-100)