Gestra CW41-4 Image

Gestra CW41-4

Product Name: Gestra CW41-4
Brand: Gestra
Product Code: CW41-4
Tags: Gestra Gestra CW41-4 CW41-4
Cooling Water Control Valves CW

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No outside energy or maintenance requiredThese proportional controllers regulate the cooling water flowrate to consumers that need cooling, based on the return temperature. This temperature can be individually set.This way, the best possible use is made of the cooling water, and the greatly reduced water consumption cuts running costs. Directly actuated proportional controller for regulating the cooling-water return temperature.Raising the return temperature reduces the consumption of coolant and energy and lowers investment costs (for new systems).Also suitable for the demand-based supply of coolers connected in parallel.Body in straight through design with solids expansion thermostat and adjuster.CW 41 with pressure gauge (0-6 bar) and thermometer (-30 to +100°C) as standard.CW 41 with diaphragm actuator (MCW 41), which can also be retrofitted.