Graessner PowerGear Miniature Spiral Bevel Gearbox

Graessner PowerGear Miniature  Spiral Bevel Gearbox Image

Are you interested in the product Graessner PowerGear Miniature Spiral Bevel Gearbox from manufacturer Graessner with code PowerGear Miniature? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Forget everything you know about miniature gears. Dimensions, weight, precision – the new PowerGear Miniature sets new standards. PowerGear Miniature has a sensationally small installation size, an extremely light-weight aluminium housing, maximum performance and precision as well as many other advantages.The unique design of PowerGear Miniature will open up a vast range of applications in drive technology.miniature gear for maximum precisionlow backlash and high transmission accuracycase-hardened bevel gear tooth systemfriction-locked shaft-and-bevel-gear fitenergy-efficient through high level of efficiency of 98%extremely light-weight aluminium housingmaintenance free through synthetic oil P27L P33H P45L P27H P33L P45H