Greisinger GMH3831 Resistive Material-Moisture and Temp.Measuring Device
Product Code: GMH3831
Artikelnummer: 609289
Brand: Greisinger
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Greisinger GMH3831 Resistive Material-Moisture and Temp.Measuring Device
Resistive material moisture and temperature measuring deviceConform to EN 14080: 2013 EN 16351: 2015 Suitable eg for glued timber construction and laminated timber (MPA certified and listed)HIGHLIGHTS:serial interface or analog output 0 ... 1 V, freely scalableincl. calibration protocolGENERAL:The GMH 3831 offers decisive advantages in handling, user-friendliness, functional range and accuracy. The absolute moisture of 494 material types is displayed directly and can be automatically converted to water content. The cumbersome usage of calculation tables becomes a thing of the past. Additionally you get a moisture rating (wet ... dry) of the measured material.APPLICATION:Precision measurements in cut-wood, chip board, veneer, sawdust, wood chips, wood wool, flax, straw, hay, concrete, bricks, wash floor, plaster, limestone mortar, cement mortar, paper, carton, textiles, wood chips, professional firewood humidity measurement, etc.For architect, expert, inspector, building contractor, painter, carpenter, parquet joiner, floor tiler, wood works, timber desiccation plant, building repair company, textile industry etc.SPECIFICATIONS:Measuring principleMoisture:Resistive material moisture measurement acc. to DIN EN 13183-2: 2002Temperatureexternal:thermocouple, NiCr-Ni (type K)internal:NTCCharacteristic curves:494 material characteristicsMeasuring range:Moisture:0.0 ... 100% u (material moisture)0.0 ... 50 % w (water content, wet basis)(depends on selected characteristic)Temperature:-40.0 ... +200.0 ° C (-40.0 ... +392.0 ° F)Moisture rating:9 steps (dry ... wet)Resolution :0.1% or 0.1 ° C (0.1 ° F)Device accuracy: (at nominal temperature)Wood:± 0.2% material moisture (deviation from corresponding characteristic curve in range 6 ... 30%)Building material:± 0.2% material moisture (deviation from corresponding characteristic curve)Temperature:(external) ± 0.2% of mv ± 0.3 ° CScope of supply:device, battery, calibration protocol, manualRecommended Products For Greisinger