Product Name: Hengesbach TP 19 Flange resistance thermometer
Brand: Hengesbach
Product Code: Hengesbach TP 19 Flange resistance thermometer
Tags: Hengesbach
TP 19 thermometer
Hengesbach TP 19 Flange
Hengesbach TP 19 Flange resistance thermometer
19 resistance thermometer
Hengesbach 19 Flange resistance thermometer
Hengesbach TP resistance
Hengesbach resistance
TP Flange resistance
19 Flange resistance thermometer
Hengesbach TP Flange thermometer
TP Flange
Hengesbach 19 thermometer
TP 19 resistance
Hengesbach 19 resistance thermometer
Hengesbach 19 resistance
19 Flange resistance thermometer
Hengesbach 19 resistance
Artikel: TP-19
Hengesbach TP 19 Flange resistance thermometer
Are you interested in the product Hengesbach TP 19 Flange resistance thermometer from manufacturer Hengesbach with code Hengesbach TP 19 Flange resistance thermometer? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Features"fr" housing in ip 67single or double pt100optionally with measuring transmitterconnection "varivent" flange, d = 25 or 68 mmfully sealedshort addressing times and tapered sensor tipoptional as quicktemp versions for measuring points required for quality assuranceDescriptionThe TP19 resistance thermometers with/without transmitter are powerful, rugged devices for process measurements, the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry, etc., completely made of stainless steel in a sealed design for hygienic applications.The standard version of the temperature sensor is designed according to Accuracy Class A. Accuracy classes B 1/2, 1/3, 1/10 DIN are optionally available. The measuring inserts are single or double PT 100s, which can be exchanged. The utilisation of the measuring inserts must be adapted to the requirements with regard to temperature, length, flexibility, vibration resistance and measuring accuracy. Special devices are available for control processes, e.g. tapered sensor tip for particularly short half-value times.The design according to IP 67 with exchangeable test insert provides access to the measuring point at any time and offers a reliable guarantee for tightness and long operating times, even under extreme operating conditions, as well as saving resources.Programmable 4-20 mA, HART or Profibus PA transmitters can be installed for transmission of the measuring values. The QUICKTEMP series is particularly recommended for measuring points that require calibration.