Hirschmann 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9

Hirschmann 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9 Image

Hirschmann 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9

Product Name: Hirschmann 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9
Brand: Hirschmann
Product Code: 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9
Tags: Hirschmann Hirschmann 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9 9620139 Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9 Hirschmann 9620139 Hirschmann Sp?der-Sl-20-06T1M2M299Sy9 9620139

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High mean time between failures (MTBF) guarantees reliable operationLow power consumption allows for the reduction of overall lifecycle costsDiagnosis through LEDs which indicate status of the power supply and port statusDifferent port counts, media types (copper and fiber), and socket type (RJ45, DSC connector, ST connector, SFP) are availableFull, future-proof Gigabit switches for applications with high data volumes12/24 V DC power inputOperating temperature range from 0 °C to +60 °C