Product Name: Koso Koso 500J VeCTor Globe Valves
Brand: Koso
Product Code: Koso 500J
Tags: Koso
Koso Koso 500J Globe Valves
Koso Globe
Koso VeCTor Globe
Koso Koso VeCTor
Koso 500J
500J VeCTor Globe Valves
Koso 500J Globe Valves
Koso 500J VeCTor Globe Valves
Koso 500J Globe
Koso 500J Globe Valves
Koso 500J VeCTor Globe
Koso 500J Valves
Koso Valves
Koso Koso VeCTor Globe Valves
Koso Koso Globe
Koso VeCTor Globe
Koso Globe Valves
Are you interested in the product Koso Koso 500J VeCTor Globe Valves from manufacturer Koso with code Koso 500J? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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In severe services of high temperature and high differential pres-sure, KOSO's multi-stage trim (Pat.) promises accurate control and long life, free from cavitation erosion and noise problems, whether the fluid is compressive or non-compressive.This Series is multi-ad-vantageous in that its improved performance and durabitity allows maintenance cost reduction and system simplification. Since such ancillaries as diffusers and silencers are not necessary, equipment cost can be reduced too. From 500M, 500D and 500J, depending on the fluid condition, most suitable model can be selected comparing functions and prices.500M: VeCTor M Trim / 500D: VeCTor D Trim / 500J: VeCTor J TrimSpecificationsBody typeBody Styles500MGlobe / Angle500DGlobe / Angle500JGlobe / AngleBody size1" to 36"(900A)1" to 36"(900A)1" to 18"(450A)Body ratingANSI Class 150 to 4500, JIS10K to 63KANSI Class 150 to 4500, JIS10K to 63KANSI Class 150 to 2500, JIS 10K to 63KFluid temperature-196 to +565° (-320F to +1050F)ConnectionsFlanged (RF, RTJ), Butt Weld, Socket Weld, Integral Flanges (RF, RTJ)Body materialsSCPH2/WCB, SCPH21/WC6, SCPL1/LCB, SCS13A/CF8, SCS14A/CF8M, A105, F11, F22, etc...Trim materialsSUS410/410SS, SUS630/SCS24, SUS316/SCS14A, INCONEL, etc...Rangeability50:1 to 20:1Flow characteristicsLinear , Modified Linear , Modified Eq%LeakageMetal seatRated ANSI Class IV, V or MSS-SP-61Soft seatBubbletight ANSI Class VITrim LevelsUp to Level 24Up to Level 40Up to Level 8Actuator combination5200LA: Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuator6300LA: Pneumatic Cylinder Actuator3500LB,3600LB: Solid State Electronic Actuator3800LA: Microprocessor REXA Actuator