Product Name: Landefeld Push-in connectors (also reducing), big
Brand: Landefeld
Product Code: Push-in connectors (also reducing), big
Tags: Landefeld
Landefeld Push-in connectors (also reducing), big
Landefeld Push-in connectors
Landefeld Push-in connectors reducing), big
Landefeld connectors reducing),
Landefeld Push-in connectors (also
connectors (also big
Landefeld Push-in reducing), big
Landefeld reducing),
Push-in connectors (also reducing),
Landefeld Push-in (also big
Landefeld connectors big
Landefeld big
Push-in big
Push-in (also big
Landefeld connectors (also
Push-in connectors (also big
connectors (also
reducing), big
Are you interested in the product Landefeld Push-in connectors (also reducing), big from manufacturer Landefeld with code Push-in connectors (also reducing), big? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Description Materials: Body: POM (Ø 28: brass / POM, Ø 32: PP), seal: NBR Temperature range: -20°C to +70°C Operating pressure: -0,95 to 10 bar (70°C: max 7 bar) Media: Oiled and unoiled compressed air, neutral gasses, cold water Advantages: •ideal for compressed air distribution in halls, buildings etc., •numerous approvals: FDA, DVGW W 270, KTW, NSF 51 & 61 (does not apply to IQSG 1215, IQSG 3422, IQSG 1028 and Ø 32) IQSG 150 IQST 150 IQSG 150H120 IQSG 180 IQST 180150180 IQSG 180H150 IQSG 220 IQST 180 IQSG 220H150 IQSG 280 IQST 220150220 IQSG 220H180 IQSG 320280 IQST 220 IQSG 280H150 IQSG 320 IQST 280 IQSG 280H220 IQSL 150 IQST 320 IQSL 150H IQSL 180 IQSY 150 IQSL 180H IQSL 220 IQSH 320220 IQSL 220H IQSL 280 IQSH 320280 IQSL 320H IQSL 320 IQSG 150H100