Megger FREJA546 Relay Test System


Product Code: FREJA546
Brand: Megger


Description for Megger FREJA546 Relay Test System

Fully automated testing using FREJA Win software Stand-alone operation using intuitive high resolution graphic touchscreen, no PC required to operate High current, high power output – up to 60 Amps / 300 VA rms per phase 4 Voltage channels, 3 Current channels, with convertible voltage channels provides 1 voltage and 6 currents Dynamic GPS Satellite Synchronized End-to-End Testing Capability IEC 61850 Testing Capability FREJA546 is a multipurpose, light and portable relay test set. The unit can be operated either manually using the built-in touch-screen interface running FREJA Local, or placed under full computer control via the FREJA Win Software. The built-in user interface is Megger’s second generation of automatic / semi-automatic manual user interface running the FREJA Local software. The large, easy to read Full Color high resolution, high definition, TFT LCD touch-screen display allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily. FREJA Local includes built-in preset test routines for automatic testing. Menu screens and touch screen function buttons are provided to quickly and easily select the desired test function. Tests and results can be saved in FREJA Local memory and downloaded to a USB memory stick for transfer or print test reports. For full automatic testing the FREJA Win software will be used with a PC. There are number of instrument programs to test virtually any protection. Since the test set-ups and results are saved using Microsoft Explorer display, you can create your own test object structure. 

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