Microelettrica Mc30-R Relay
Product Code: Mc30-R
Brand: Microelettrica
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Microelettrica Mc30-R Relay
Three Phase Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay49, 50/51, 50N/51N, 51BFThreeindependent overcurrent elementsThree Earth-Fault elementsOne Thermal Image elementTime current curves selectable according to IEC/IEEE standardsUser programmable output relayTrip Circuit Breacker control via serial portBlocking Output and Blocking inputBreaker Failure protectionOscillographic wave form captureTime tagged multiple event recordingModbus RTU / IEC870-5-103 ProtocolDisplay LCD 16 (2x8) charactersRecommended Products For Microelettrica

Eurotherm EPACK-1PH/125A/500V/XXX/V2/XXX/XXX/TCP/XXX/XXXXX/ XXXXXX/GWE/XXX/XXXXXX////////// Controller Eurotherm EPACK-1PH/125A/500V/XXX/V2/XXX/XXX/TCP/XXX/XXXXX/ XXXXXX/GWE/XXX/XXXXXX////////// Controller