Nuovafima MS1/1/A DN150 ABFW 41M Manometer
Product Code: MS1/1/A DN150 ABFW 41M Manometer
Brand: Nuovafima
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Nuovafima MS1/1/A DN150 ABFW 41M Manometer
Industrial sector:Water treatmentMachine building (OEM)Heating, ventilation, air condictioctioning (HVAC)Instrument type:Bourdon tube pressure gaugesConformity:EN 837 standardDirective PED 2014/68/UEEAC ConformityAccuracy:1,6 of FSVFunction:Local indicationSpecific applications:VacuumCombined (Vacuum + Pressure)Material:Staniless steel and copper alloysRange:0...1 / 0...1000 bar and vacuumProtection degree:IP 44Working pressure:75% of FSVRecommended Products For Nuovafima

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