Product Name: Pressure Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Back Pressure Regulator
Brand: Pressure Tech
Product Code: BP-HF251
Tags: Pressure Tech
Pressure Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Back Pressure Regulator
Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Regulator
High-Flow Regulator
Pressure BP-HF251 High-Flow Back
Pressure Tech BP-HF251
Pressure BP-HF251 High-Flow Pressure Regulator
Pressure Pressure
Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Back Regulator
Back Pressure Regulator
Pressure Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Back Regulator
Pressure BP-HF251
Pressure High-Flow Back Pressure
Pressure BP-HF251 High-Flow Back Pressure Regulator
BP-HF251 Pressure
Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Pressure Regulator
Tech BP-HF251 Pressure Regulator
Tech Regulator
High-Flow Back Pressure Regulator
Are you interested in the product Pressure Tech BP-HF251 High-Flow Back Pressure Regulator from manufacturer Pressure Tech with code BP-HF251? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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INTRODUCING THE BP-HF251...The BP-HF251 is a piston-sensed high-flow back pressure regulator for gas or liquid applications. The liquid version includes a Tecasint® seat, whilst the gas version features PEEK™ seating.With a balanced main valve design as standard it provides stable control with a high level of accuracy under varying inlet pressures. Plus, its high flow coefficient ensures the BP-HF251 can also cope with higher flow rates.PLEASE CONTACT THE PRESSURE TECH OFFICE IF YOUR ORDER HAS ANY SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS OR REQUIREMENTS.