Rollix 22-0641-01-ZZ00 Internal Sleewing Bearing

Rollix 22-0641-01-ZZ00 Internal Sleewing Bearing Image

Are you interested in the product Rollix 22-0641-01-ZZ00 Internal Sleewing Bearing from manufacturer Rollix with code 22-0641-01-ZZ00? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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The mounting holes are equispacedNe : number of holes in the outer ringNi  : number of holesin the inner ringTapping depth in the outer ring : 20 mm minimumG = 4 equispaced grease nipples M8 x 100 mounted on the inner ringMaterial : Improved XC 45, code ZThese bearings are also available without drilling.The references are identical except for the last 2 digits :