Sed Type 885 Manually Operated Valve
Product Code: Type 885
Brand: Sed
Description for Sed Type 885 Manually Operated Valve
Manually Operated Valve DN 80 - 100 mm (3" - 4")Plastic bonnet and handwheel(Size DN 15 - 65 see type 882)FEATURESPlastic bonnet and hand wheelNon-rising hand wheel with optical indicatorFlexible diaphragm suspensionEncapsulated diaphragmCDSA sealing conceptOptimized flow rateGENERALEliminated water hammerDepending on the diaphragm material for all neutral and aggressive, gaseous and liquid mediaThe flow can be in either directionHermetic sealingThe valve is unaffected by contaminated mediaStainless steel boltingValve body material: PVC-U / PVC-C / PP-H / PVDF / ABSVarious end connections: Male ends, female union ends, flangeOPTIONALStroke limiter and limit switchDetectable or lockableRecommended Products For Sed