Product Name: StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Suction Strainer
Brand: Stauff
Product Code: SUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Suction Strainer
Tags: Stauff
Suction Strainer
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Strainer
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Suction
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Suction Strainer
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O Suction Strainer
1910000649 Suction Strainer
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O Strainer
1910000649 Suction
StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O Suction
1910000649 Strainer
Artikel: 1910000649
Are you interested in the product StauffSUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Suction Strainer from manufacturer Stauff with code SUS-068-G16-140-125-P-O 1910000649 Suction Strainer? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Characteristics Designedas in-tank suction strainer elements for direct installation into suction lines of pumps; should always be LQVWDOOHGEHORZWKHPLQLPXP?XLGOHYHORIWKHUHVHUYRLU Features ? Available with female BSP thread (ISO 228) or female NPT thread (ANSI B1.20.1) ? Operating temperature range: -20 °C ... +100 °C / -4 °F ... +212 °FMedia Compatibility? Suitable for use with Mineral and Petroleum based K\GUDXOLF?XLGV+/DQG+/3Materials ? 7KUHDGHGHQGFDSPDGHRIJODVV?EUHUHLQIRUFHG3RO\DPLGH (PA); see page E35 for version with Aluminium end cap ? Lower end cap and support tube made of Steel, zinc-plated ? 6WDQGDUG?OWHUPDWHULDOLV6WDLQOHVV6WHHO0HVK ?P alternative micron ratings of 60 ?PDQG ?PRQUHTXHVWOptions ?Integrated bypass valve with an opening pressure of 0,2 bar (3 PSI) to reduce the risks of high-pressure drops that can be caused by contaminated strainer HOHPHQWVRUKLJKYLVFRVLW\?XLGV