Product Name: Tinker Rasor XL-2 Leak Locator
Brand: Tinker Rasor
Product Code: XL-2
Tags: Tinker Rasor
Tinker Rasor Leak Locator
Rasor XL-2
XL-2 Locator
Tinker Rasor XL-2
Rasor Locator
Tinker Leak Locator
Tinker Rasor Locator
Tinker Rasor XL-2 Locator
Rasor XL-2
Tinker XL-2 Locator
Tinker Rasor Leak Locator
XL-2 Leak Locator
Tinker Rasor XL-2 Leak Locator
Rasor Leak
Leak Locator
Tinker Locator
Tinker Rasor Leak
Tinker XL-2 Leak Locator
Leak Locator
Are you interested in the product Tinker Rasor XL-2 Leak Locator from manufacturer Tinker Rasor with code XL-2? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Features Lightweight & Strong 11 Position filter to pinpoint leak and remove background sounds 2 Sensitivity controls Super Sensitive magnetic transducer High gain, 4-stage amplifier Visual and Audible indications Coarse and Fine Sensitivity Extremely sensitive pickup with removable 7" (177.8mm) probe Battery operated and with battery condition indicator