Product Name: Vacon VACON® NXL Drive
Brand: Vacon
Product Code: VACON® NXL
Tags: Vacon
Vacon NXL
NXL Drive
Vacon NXL
Vacon VACON® NXL Drive
Vacon VACON® Drive
Vacon Drive
Vacon NXL Drive
Vacon VACON®
NXL Drive
Vacon VACON® NXL Drive
Vacon Drive
Vacon NXL Drive
Are you interested in the product Vacon VACON® NXL Drive from manufacturer Vacon with code VACON® NXL? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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The VACON® NXL drive has reached the Limited phase of its lifecycle and is no longer in active production. Danfoss offers an extensive portfolio of low-voltage drives and will help you select the optimal replacement drive for your application.The standard I/O of the Vacon NXL has been optimized for typicalcontrol requirements. In addition to digital and analog inputsand outputs, RS485 is included as standard. All inputs andoutputs of the standard I/O and option boards are freely programmable.Both Analog Inputs can be programmed for 0...10 Vor 0(4)...20 mA signals. Analog Input can also be programmedas Digital Input.The standard I/O can easily and cost-effectively be extendedwith OPT-AA or OPT-AI boards, if necessary. The OPT-AA is themost effective way to add one more Relay Output, and the OPTAIis normally used when galvanically isolated motor thermistorconnection is needed. These boards are installed in optionboard slot E.It is also possible to control the Vacon NXL with various kinds offi eldbuses with OPT-C-type boards (see the table below). TheI/O extension and fi eldbus boards are the same for all Vacon NXproducts. The fi eldbus boards can be installed in slot D or E.There are a large number of OPT-B-type option boards available.The most typical boards are included in the table below. Itis possible, for instance, to add three more output relays withOPT-B5, if necessary. The OPT-B-type boards are typically installedin slot E.