Woerner   KFW-E LEVEL SWITCH Image

Are you interested in the product Woerner KFW-E LEVEL SWITCH from manufacturer Woerner with code Woerner KFW-E LEVEL SWITCH? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!

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Application: Function: For watching and controling the filling levels in reservoirs containing heavily polluted liquids with or without metallic abrasions. Beneath the reservoir's cap there is a float in the liquid. The switching contacts and the switching magnet are situated above the reservoir's cap. The float is connected with the magnet via a pipe. Hence the movements of the float are transmitted into the upper part of the level switch. The moving range of the float is limited by means of four differential measure areas. The switching points need to be arranged within the differential measures. On a hole strip having very small differential spaces, 3 switching contacts can be positioned at maximum. The contacts can be shifted in a 10 mm grid. Their switching behaviour is bistable. When the float exceeds the switching point, the switching function will continue to be available. The switching functions "opener" or "closer" can be changed by turning the contact.