Product Name: YTC STPM-6V Position Transmitter
Brand: YTC
Product Code: STPM-6V
Tags: YTC
Position Transmitter
YTC STPM-6V Position
STPM-6V Transmitter
YTC Position
YTC STPM-6V Transmitter
STPM-6V Position
YTC STPM-6V Position
YTC STPM-6V Position Transmitter
YTC Position
YTC STPM-6V Transmitter
YTC Position Transmitter
STPM-6V Position Transmitter
Position Transmitter
YTC Transmitter
Position Transmitter
Are you interested in the product YTC STPM-6V Position Transmitter from manufacturer YTC with code STPM-6V? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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Flame type of Electronic Position Transmitter SPTM-6V senses mechanical position change of stem being on the valve or similar device : and converses to current signal of DC4~20mA outputs.Convenient wiring: 2 wire typeHigh accuracy and reliabilitySimple change for RA v.s. DA action setting