Product Name: YTC YT-940 IP Converter (Explosion Proof Type)
Brand: YTC
Product Code: YT-940
Tags: YTC
YT-940 Converter (Explosion Proof
YT-940 (Explosion Proof
YTC YT-940 IP (Explosion Proof
YT-940 IP Proof
YTC YT-940 IP Converter Proof
YT-940 Proof
YTC YT-940 (Explosion Proof
YT-940 Type)
IP Converter (Explosion Type)
YT-940 IP Converter Proof Type)
(Explosion Proof
YTC IP (Explosion Proof
YTC Converter (Explosion
YTC IP (Explosion Proof
YT-940 IP Converter (Explosion Proof Type)
Converter (Explosion Proof
(Explosion Proof
YT-940 Converter (Explosion
IP Converter (Explosion Proof Type)
Are you interested in the product YTC YT-940 IP Converter (Explosion Proof Type) from manufacturer YTC with code YT-940? Contact us now and get offer. Imtek Engineering, the fastest and most reliable industrial equipment supplier in the world, will offer you the best offer!
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YT940 IP Converter accurately provides equipments with relevant air pressure, according to input signal of 4~20mA being delivered from the controller.High accuracy and sensitivitySimple zero and span adjustmentFeedback Signal (Option)Analog PID ControlTubeless connection of YT-200, Air RegulatorExplosion ProofNo effect from mounting orientation