Zimmer Group
Product Code: GEP1402
Artikelnummer: GEP2000
Brand: Zimmer Group
GET OFFER: info@imtek.com.tr
Description for Zimmer Group GEP2000 2-JAW PARALLEL GRIPPERS
"THE ELECTRIC COMPACT ONE"Largest stroke in small installation spaceDo you require a large stroke, due to the fact that you are operating either a form fit gripper or a large range of parts but the installation space and the load capacity of your application is limited? Then this gripper is perfect for you!Adjustable gripping forceUsing pressures that are too high can damage your workpieces! You can optimally adjust the gripping force to your workpiece by means of the integrated potentiometer or over the control system via IO-Link.The simplest activationIt is your choice whether you want to control the gripper by means of I/O ports—like a valve—or if you prefer the version with IO-Link. Both have this in common: they are easy to integrate into your control system.Order-No.Integrated sensingZIM_ICON_AUO_IOLINKGEP2006IL-00-AJaJaGEP2006IO-00-AGEP2006IO-05-AJaINSTALLATION SIZE: GEP2010Order-No.Integrated sensingZIM_ICON_AUO_IOLINKGEP2010IL-00-AJaJaGEP2010IO-00-AGEP2010IO-05-AJaINSTALLATION SIZE: GEP2013Order-No.Integrated sensingZIM_ICON_AUO_IOLINKGEP2013IL-00-AJaJaGEP2013IO-00-AGEP2013IO-05-AJaINSTALLATION SIZE: GEP2016Order-No.Integrated sensingZIM_ICON_AUO_IOLINKGEP2016IL-00-AJaJaGEP2016IO-00-AGEP2016IO-05-AControlVia I/O ports (IO) or via IO-Link (IL)Mounting and positioningmounting possible from several sides for versatile positioningBLDC motorwear-resistant brushless DC motorHelical worm gearself locking mechanism in case of power dropSynchronizationvia rack and pinionPosition sensingPermanent magnet for direct query of jaw movement via magnetic field sensorsGripper jawindividual gripper finger mountingRemovable centering sleevesquick and economical positioning of the gripper fingersRecommended Products For Zimmer Group

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